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Statement by a South African Representative on Behalf of the Group of 77 and China During the Consideration of the Outcomes of the Eleventh Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests at the Coordination and Management Meeting of the Economic and Social Council

New York, 22 July 2015

Mr President,

The Economic and Social Council is today taking action to put effect those decisions agreed to by our Ministers, through the Ministerial Declaration and Resolution of the Eleventh Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests.

In recognizing the economic, social and environmental value and contribution of forests, our Ministers saw it proper that the International Arrangement on Forests be strengthened and extended to 2030.

The Group of 77 and China is making this brief intervention today to voice its support for the promotion of the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests; to enhance the role and contribution of forests to the post-2015 sustainable development agenda; to enhance cooperation, coordination and coherence on forest-related issues at all levels; foster international cooperation; and to support efforts to strengthen both forest governance frameworks and the political commitment to achieve those objectives. It is important that the "global objectives on forests" be extended to 2030.

In this regard, we would like to reiterate our support for the immediate implementation of the outcomes of UNFF11, which include among others:

- The process for the development and elaboration of a strategic plan for the period 2017 - 2030;
- Upgrading and strengthening the UNFF Facilitative Process and establishing the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network;
- Strengthening the capacity of the UNFF Secretariat to effectively carry out its mandate and responsibilities;

Mr President,

Having heard some interventions that have just been made, I would like to express that the Group of 77 and China objects any proposal that could lead to a deferment of the consideration of the Report E/2015/42, which contains the resolution adopted by consensus in UNFF11.

On the issue of the PBIs of the resolution, we wish to recall the PBI oral statement which was presented to the Forum at the time of the adoption of the UNFF11 resolution on 15 May 2015. As stated in that oral statement, a revised PBI would be submitted to the ECOSOC today. It was clear that the UNFF11 resolution entails PBIs and cannot be implemented within existing resources. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised about the revised oral statement on the PBI which is substantially lower than what was presented on 15 May 2015 to the Forum.

It is the view of the G77 and China that a deferment would be counterproductive. It would delay both the implementation of UNFF11 mandates, and it would also delay the effective consideration of budgetary implications by the bodies that have the mandate to do so, namely the ACABQ and the Fifth Committee.

Taking into account that budgetary matters are under the purview of the ACABQ and the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly, we do not agree that ECOSOC members should request the revision of an oral statement, which is for our technical information and not for negotiation in this body.

We therefore do not support either the revision of the oral statement or the deferment of the adoption of the UNFF resolution.

In conclusion Mr President,

We would like to reiterate the group's commitment to follow up and implement the outcomes of the Eleventh Session of the UN Forum on Forests and to work constructively to support the strengthening of the International Arrangement on Forests.

Thank you.